Service Standards are a way of describing, in simple language, the focuses that we approach all of our service from. They are designed to apply to every aspect of an organization, from customer service to facilities management. They also describe the order of operations – the first standard must be met before others are considered. There are four service standards for Scout Camps:
- Safety
- Courtesy
- Sustainability
- Show
The Walt Disney Company also lists Safety as their first Service Standard. They write: “It is a gross understatement to say that a guest who is exposed to injury or who feels insecure about their safety or the safety of loved ones is going to be unhappy.” When looking at your camp responsibility, ask yourself: “am I meeting our guest’s physical, mental, and emotional needs?”
The Platinum Rule states “Treat others how they would want to be treated.” When we welcome guests to camp, are we treating them how they want to be treated? Some recent camp changes to meet courtesy include keeping the showerhouse open for weekend groups and the reintroduction of our campmaster program.
Scouting has provided formative experiences for over 100 years, and now it’s our job to ensure we can continue for 100 more. We need to always make sure we are approaching our camp from an eye of sustainability and preparing for a rainier day.
My first year going to Many Point, I was a bundle of nerves. When I came back, I (according to my family) talked about it for “two months straight”. The standard of show asks that we send our guests home saying great things and wanting to see more. The best standard of show means that our past guests recruit our future ones.