New Family FAQ

Cub Scouts is a program for boys and girls in Kindergarten to Fifth Grade. We help young people to become great leaders and citizens by:
Living the Ideals
The Scout Oath, Law, and Motto guide us every day
Belonging to a Den
Cub Scouts learn to work nicely with peers our age
We grow self-confidence by earning Cub Scout awards
Family Involvement
Cub Scouts is something our whole family does together
Whether indoor or outdoor, we’re always doing something
Serving the Neighborhood
We work to become better citizens in our communities
We show we are on the same team by wearing our Scout shirts
Cub Scouting was started in 1935 here in America! With a program over 75 years old, we’ve developed some unique phrases:
PACK—A group of Cub Scouts of multiple grades that all meet in the same place at the same time.
CUBMASTER—The adult leader in charge of pack meetings and helping Den Leaders
PACK COMMITTEE—A group of parents and leaders who make decisions for the pack.
DEN—A group of Cub Scouts from the same grade who all meet in the same place at the same time. Each grade has a name:
- LION—Kindergarten
- TIGER—First Grade
- WOLF—Second Grade
- BEAR—Third Grade
- WEBELOS—Fourth Grade
- ARROW OF LIGHT—Fifth Grade
DEN LEADER—The adult or adults who lead den meetings.
BLUE AND GOLD—A pack’s annual awards dinner, so invite the whole family!
SCOUTS BSA—A program for kids aged 11-17 after they graduate from Cub Scouts.
TROOP—A group of Scouts BSA youth
In addition to all of your pack’s activities, Gamehaven Council offers many activities for our members; including free Fall and Winter campouts, cheap Spring and Summer campouts, and more! Learn more by going to our Cub Scout Camping page.
We’re all about encouraging boys and girls to make friends, be helpful to others, try new things. With the help of age-appropriate group learning projects and exciting outdoor activities, we aim to teach children that doing their best can be a fun and rewarding experience—no matter the difficulty.
Scouting thrives to deliver a quality year-round
program for a fraction of the cost of sports and
other extracurricular activities.
Annual Membership Fees: $170
Uniform Shirt and Neckerchief: $45
Handbook: $25
We want every family to participate in Cub Scouts. Fees can offset through fundraising (see below) and by applying for a Gamehaven Council Scholarship
Gamehaven Council runs spring and fall fundraising programs for you to take advantage of. Your child’s entire year can be paid for in weeks—and learn a little about salesmanship at the same time.

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