Life To Eagle Process & Requirements

Since Arthur Eldred became the First Eagle Scout in 1912, the rank has represented a milestone of accomplishment — perhaps without equal — that is recognized across the country and even the world. Scouts who have earned the Eagle Scout rank count it among their most treasured possessions. “Eagle Scout” is not just an award; it is a state of being. Those who earned it as youth continue to earn it everyday as adults. That is why an Eagle Scout IS an Eagle Scout- not was.
District Advancement Chairs
Hiawatha – Eric Goddard
Sugar Loaf – Tom Butterfield
Wakpaota – Jason Kozisek
Because of the unique nature of the Eagle Rank, the district advancement committee is particularly attentive to advancement from Life to Eagle rank, and has specific responsibilities throughout the process:
- Review and approve your service project ideas submitted by Eagle Scout candidates.
- Participate in unit boards of review for Eagle Scout candidates or conduct district-level boards of review
Sugar Loaf District Guide To Eagle Documents – Attached link is a checklist to make sure all is completed on your quest to Eagle.
Eagle Scout Rank Application – 512-728 – This is a fillable PDF. Save document on your computer when you start working on the application form. Please do not turn in a hand written application.
Life to Eagle Guide updated 12.13.2021– Scouts should be encourage to review this document with their Scoutmaster upon earning life.
Eagle Scout Letters of Recommendation Process – There are six letters of recommendation requested to fulfill requirement 2 of your Eagle Scout application.
Information Sheet Fillable PDF A project synopsis for reporting Eagle Scout projects for publication.
Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook – Click on link to upload the Eagle Scout workbook.
Time Extensions for Completing Eagle Requirements
In rare circumstances, a time extension can be requested for Life Scouts to work on requirements for the Eagle rank after their 18th birthday. For more information, review guide to advancement (Sections, &, Scouts that need to request an extension should do the following:
- Complete request for extension of time to earn the Eagle Scout rank form. Send a detailed letter requesting an extension, including all relevant details and information on how to contact the Scout’s parent.
- Email the letter to registrar Pam Legried.
Questions can be directed to the District Advancement Chairs -(See the emails for each district advancement chair above)
Eagle Scout Scholarship Information
There are many college scholarships available to Eagle Scouts. The scholarships are available through the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA), civic organizations, foundations, and even directly from some colleges or universities. These provide good opportunities to get help in covering the cost of a great education.
Scholarship through National Eagle Scout Association (NESA). The application for scholarships now will only be accepted online. If you have copies of the old applications, please be aware that OLD APPS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
There are many other scholarships available to Eagle Scouts. One link to a good scholarship list is maintained at Scout scholarships.
The fact that a youth is an Eagle Scout has always carried with it a special significance, not only in Scouting but also as he/she enters higher education, business or industry, and community service. The award is a performance-based achievement whose standards have been well maintained over the years. Not every youth who joins a Scouts BSA troop earns the Eagle Scout ran; only about 5% of all youth do.
To earn the Eagle Scout rank, the highest advancement rank in Scouting, a Scout must fulfill requirements in the areas of leadership, service, and outdoor skills. Although many options are available to demonstrate proficiency in these areas, a number of specific skills are required to advance through the ranks-Scout rank, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life and Eagle. To advance, a Scout must pass specific tests that are organized by requirements and merit badges.
Merit badges signify the mastery of certain outdoor skills, as well as helping Scouts increase their skill in an area of personal interest. Of the 130+ merit badges available, 21 must be earned to qualify for Eagle Scout. Of the group 14 badges are required, including First Aid, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the world, Citizenship in Society, Communications, Cooking, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Camping, and Family Life. In addition, a Scout has a choice between Emergency Preparedness and Lifesaving, a choice among Cycling, Hiking, and Swimming. and a choice between Environmental Science and Sustainability.

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